Core team in Croatia. Coreteam i Kroatien. Équipe de base en Croatie.

In English, på svenska, bientôt en français. We went to Croatia and had a core team training for a church within the faith movement. Peter and Drago met some years ago in Sweden, when Peter kickstarted him. But now he wanted help with the evangelization part in Croatia. God performed a lot of miracles, messages… Read More Core team in Croatia. Coreteam i Kroatien. Équipe de base en Croatie.

What to believe in? Vad ska vi tro på? À quoi va-t-on croire ?

In English, på svenska, en français. There is so much happening in Sweden and in the world: War and rumors of war. Natural disasters and pandemics. Explosions and shootings. We scratch our heads and gape our mouths. Being logical, following our feelings or realizing ourselves: It no longer harmonizes. It gets so small. What are… Read More What to believe in? Vad ska vi tro på? À quoi va-t-on croire ?

Guy weekend & me. Killhelg & jag. Week-end les gars & moi.

In English, på svenska, en français. Peter and Peter, from Uppsala, were to meet at our place and suddenly it became a thunderous guys’ weekend with Jesus in focus. Peter’s teenage son and friend hung on and Durckheim joined from the north. There was food and fellowship, sightseeing and nature experiences, prayer and communion, Bible… Read More Guy weekend & me. Killhelg & jag. Week-end les gars & moi.

Jerker Moregård has the floor! Jerker Moregård har ordet! Jerker Moregård a la parole !

In English, på svenska, en français. Love the newly saved! Teach them to follow the Word of Jesus! Then, only then, do you carry out Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20. Then you have started to make a new disciple! In Matthew 28 we see Jesus’ last command, Go forth! Make disciples! Baptize them! Teach them!… Read More Jerker Moregård has the floor! Jerker Moregård har ordet! Jerker Moregård a la parole !

Protection of our mind. Vårt sinnes beskydd. Protection de notre esprit.

In English, på svenska, en français. In the early nineties, when I was just saved, it was taught that we shouldn’t worry and when we don’t, the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We can read about that in Philippians: ”do not be anxious about… Read More Protection of our mind. Vårt sinnes beskydd. Protection de notre esprit.

Visit by TBC France, in October. Besök från TBC Frankrike, i oktober. Visite du TBC France, en October.

In English, på svenska, en français. Samir from the TBC network in France, who lives in Spain, visited us for 10 days. We had a lovely time together. We socialized, networked and shared and preached Christ. As always it’s wonderful to fellowship, like God’s family. Click here to read the previous post in the series… Read More Visit by TBC France, in October. Besök från TBC Frankrike, i oktober. Visite du TBC France, en October.

Sanna & I and the documentary. Sanna & jag och dokumentären. Sanna & moi et le documentaire.

In English, på svenska, en français. Our film maker Tim Curwen came to Sweden from Scotland to record us the 2–4 October. It resulted in the documentary “Disciple Maker”. We gathered in the Tullinge house congregation on Monday, among friends in Sollentuna on Tuesday and with mainly Bible school students in Uppsala on Wednesday. We… Read More Sanna & I and the documentary. Sanna & jag och dokumentären. Sanna & moi et le documentaire.